Assemblywoman Fahy Sends Letter to DEC Urging Amendments to DEC Plastic Bag Regulations

In conjunction with State Senator Liz Krueger’s letter sent to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) on January 3rd, Assemblymember Patricia Fahy today announced she sent NYS DEC a January 13 letter urging the department to amend its proposed plastic bag regulations in relation to the enactment of the state’s plastic bag ban on March 1st, 2020.
As proposed, DEC’s regulations would inadvertently impact the intent and objective of the legislation as written and passed by the Legislature. The regulations could possibly allow for thicker plastic bags to be sold through setting a ‘plastic film thickness standard’, whereas the Legislature enumerated exemptions for eligible, reasonable business purposes in the legislation last year.
The Jan. 13 letter can be viewed below: