Capital Region, 109th District COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Last Updated: Friday, January 15th, 2021
Following constituent concerns our office has received related to the rollout of the state’s vaccination program, we’ve been in regular contact with our partners in the Governor’s office, Albany County, and local government to rectify some of the serious issues with accessibility and more.
A major obstacle to accelerating the dispersment of vaccinations in New York State is the federal government’s weekly supply of just 300,000 doses, while 7 million New Yorkers are eligible and awaiting or scheduling their appointments. By this timetable, the New York State Department of Health projects it will take up to 14 weeks (April 2021) to vaccinate all eligible persons in phases 1a and 1b.
New Yorkers aged 65 years and older are now eligible to begin receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. See below on how to schedule your appointment, see if you are eligible, and more.
Please be aware that this process is still very new and the system has been overloaded. Please be patient and continue to try. Appointments will be scheduled throughout this winter and spring, so patience is advised.
Important Links: | | |
Who is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine?
- New Yorkers aged 65 years and older, essential workers, healthcare workers, education staff/faculty, and childcare workers, are eligible as of January 12th, 2021.
- ‘Am I Eligible?’ tool:
- Upcoming eligible phases:
- If you don’t have access to a computer, you can call the COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline 833-NYS-4-VAX (1–833–697–4829) to check eligibility.
- Albany County residents can also call 2–1–1, working with United Way, to have questions about eligibility and where to get vaccinated answered.
How do I schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment?
- You must be eligible to receive the vaccine in order schedule an appointment:
- You can call the NYS COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline at 833-NYS-4-VAX (1–833–697–4829).
- Vaccinations are being conducted at a range of facilities in our area.
- University at Albany, SUNY’s mass vaccination site opened Friday, January 15th, and is available to schedule appointments at through the state’s vaccine hotline or
What do I need to bring to my vaccination appointment?
- All New Yorkers are required to fill out the NYS COVID-19 Vaccination Form either at your appointment or beforehand:
- Bring proof of eligibility to your appointment. This may include an employee ID card, a letter from an employer or affiliated organization, or a pay stub, depending on the specific priority status.
- If you are eligible due to age, you should bring a form of ID (like a Driver’s License or passport) that includes your date of birth.
Please continue to monitor updates here on this page and on eligibility at and reach out to my office with any questions or concerns you may have at (518) 455–4178.