Weekly E-News: Monday, September 21

This past week we lost a champion of justice and equality in Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and I join in grieving her loss while celebrating her life (my expanded statement is below).
This week, a forum on saving our local restaurants with local owners and the business community is planned, along with a first, jointly-held roundtable on my legislation to create a new WPA-style jobs program.
Legislative News and Events:
In Memoriam: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a legal pioneer and a trailblazer for gender equality who commanded the highest respect of her fellow colleagues and opponents alike; and inspired an entire generation of women and young girls. Let us honor her legacy with action — and rise to the urgency of the hour and moment we find ourselves in as a nation within the coming days and weeks.

• Dining Out 101: Saving Our Restaurants Roundtable on Tuesday. 🚨 Restaurants have faced incredible challenges since the outbreak of #COVID19, local establishments in the #CapitalRegion included. To respond to the crisis facing many of these small, family-owned businesses, Assemblymember John McDonald and I are kicking off our listening tour next Tuesday to hear directly from owners, employees, and the business community to craft shared solutions and #SaveOurRestaurants. 🖥 Join us on Facebook live and hear from the owners of McGeary’s Irish Pub, Yono’s, dp An American Brasserie, and more. More details in the flyer below!

• 1st Joint Roundtable with NY & MA Legislators On New Works Progress Administration (WPA) This Week — Register Now. NY State Senator Rachel May (D — Syracuse) and I have introduced A.10480/S.8440, and MA Representative Danillo Sena (D — Acton) and MA State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D — Acton) have introduced H.4907/S.2832 to create similar public jobs & works programs. Hear from a panel of experts and these legislators for a round-table discussion on their respective bills; including their potential impact, role in the economic recovery, and why a public works program is so critically needed in the face of continued federal inaction on rampant unemployment in the United States. Registration is required.
When: 10:00am — 11:00am | Thursday, September 24, 2020

• NYS Plastic Bag Ban to be Enforced Starting October 19th. 🛍 After triumphing in court following months of legal challenges brought forth by the plastics industry, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation will begin enforcing the state’s plastic bag ban starting October 19th. More at the link in this section.
• NYSDOH Releases New/Updated Nursing Home Visitation Guidance. In a positive step, new guidance released by the NYSDOH — New York State Health Department this past week will allow for expanded, limited nursing home visitation, effective beginning Sept. 17th:
- Residences must be COVID-free for 14+ days
- Visitors must show a negative test result
- 2 visitors allowed per resident
- Number of visitors cannot exceed 10% of resident population
- No visitors under 18
More on the guidance at www.health.ny.gov here.
• NYS Child Care CARES Act Funds Released. 👶 Thank you to Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee for leading on this issue and to my colleagues in the legislature for their advocacy and support in securing the release of these critical funds this past week to child care providers across New York. #ChildCareIsEssential
• CNN Business Report Details Devastating Economic Impact of Climate Change. 🔥🌫 You may have noticed a hazy sky in the #CapitalRegion over the last week as a result of the numerous, massive wildfires burning on the West Coast. Make no mistake — these fires are a direct result of climate change driven by human behavior. As evidenced in the sobering CNN Business report below; our national, state, and local economies will suffer devastating consequences, in addition to the tragic deaths that have already occurred, if we do not act swiftly in a manner this moment demands of us.
• Tragic Shooting of 11 Year-Old in Troy; A Beautiful Life Remembered. A heartbreaking story of a beautiful young life cut short by gun violence. In his brief 11 years, Ayshawn already held a job and held the charm and love of the community by making the most of his few years. Please don’t let him have died in vain — and let us finally #StopTheViolence.
• Governor Launches Campaign to Educate Voters on Expanded Options. 🗳 Take a moment to review some of the changes to New York State election law for the 2020 general election to ensure casting a ballot is both safe and secure as we combat the spread of #COVID19: 🌐 www.elections.ny.gov

ICYMI: In Case You Missed It
• ICYMI: NY to Begin Paying Extra $300/Week UI Benefit. Help is on the way! Glad to see this benefit implemented at a time when so many families are struggling to make ends meet.
• ICYMI: 📚 Albany Public Library Opens Select Branches By Appointment. Check out the exciting news from Albany NY Library at this link!
• ICYMI: GUIDE: Governor Signs Three Bills Into Law, Incl. Authorization of Absentee Voting for 2020 Election. In July, the New York State Legislature passed legislation to ensure that all voters have the opportunity to cast their ballot in a safe and secure manner for the November 2020 general election. These included three major pieces of legislation, which, as of this past week, have been signed into by the Governor and take effect immediately. Please use the guide my office has created for your use below (and at the link in this section), and take note of these changes as they relate to the upcoming 2020 general election and as always, please feel free to reach out to my office at fahyp@nyassembly.gov or (518) 455–4178 with any questions or concerns you might have.
Community Updates:
• Washington Park Farmer’s Market Open. Sat 9/19 10am-2pm, weekly!
• Free Fishing Day in NYS — September 26th. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo this past week announced that New York residents can fish for free on Saturday, September 26, which is National Hunting and Fishing Day.
• Fallbany Art & Craft Market Open for 4 Dates Throughout Autumn. Next date is September 26th at Lincoln Park!
• 109th Trails Tour Challenge UPDATE! This past week we announced the first group of trail-goers to complete the #109thTrailsTour! Congratulations to these constituents (see photo below!) and thank you for your submissions! 📌 There’s still over a month to complete your own #109thTrailsTour! (more below and at this link) www.tinyurl.com/109thTrailsTour In addition to a shout-out on our social media, those who complete the tour will have their names featured in our office during the Fall.
🥾 Remember: The safest place to be during the COVID-19 pandemic is outside! This month, we’re launching the ‘109th Trails Tour’; a challenge encouraging constituents, kids, families, and neighbors to connect with the parks, preserves, and trails right here in the 109th Assembly District. The #109thTrailsTour runs until October 1st — to complete the tour, participants must simply snap 📸 a photo, or submit 🎨 a drawing/artwork depicting each of the 3 trails they completed. Those who complete the tour will receive a shout-out on our social media and will have their name(s) featured in our Assembly office throughout this upcoming Autumn on a commemorative 📜 poster in the Legislative Office Building. Happy hiking!
💬 For more details, completion submissions, please visit my official Assembly web page (nyassembly.gov/mem/Patricia-Fahy) or: tinyurl.com/109thTrailsTour ❗️
• NYS Eviction Moratorium and Health Insurance Enrollment Period Extended. 📌 #NYS has extended the special enrollment period for health insurance until Sept. 15th — as well as the statewide eviction moratorium until Oct. 1st. Sign up for health insurance on the New York Health Marketplace here.
• NYS DOL Unemployment Insurance (UI) Updates. Here are the latest updates on changes to unemployment insurance (UI). Regular UI benefits are now extended for up to 59 weeks, and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits are now extended for up to 46 weeks. Congress must act in the coming weeks to renew the $600 payment which expired July 31st.
• DMV Updates on In-Person Services. 🚘 The latest updates from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles relating to offered in-person and online services, including extensions on vehicle registrations and inspections, are linked here. 🌐 Visit dmv.ny.gov for services being offered online.
• Albany Bicycle Coalition — New Bike Map and Upcoming Events. Check out the Albany Bicycle Coalition’s new biking map of our area and upcoming events before the summer is over!
• NY State Parks Launches New App for Mobile Phones. NY State Parks & Historic Sites has launched its Parks Explorer app to help better connect you to parks, historic sites, camping, trails, and more! Download for Android or iPhone here:
• All New Yorkers Can Now Be Tested for COVID-19. 📳 All New Yorkers can now receive testing for #COVID19 — including antibody and standard diagnostic testing. 📍 Find a test site near you: https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/find-test-site-near-you
• Legal Aid Society of Northeastern NY (LASNNY) COVID-19 Guide. LASNNY has a free, easy to use COVID-19 legal/other resources guide you can access by following this link.
• Schuyler Center COVID-19 Resource Guide. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and concerns about families’ health and mental health, social isolation, economic insecurity, child welfare, child development, and parenting needs, the Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy has compiled a body of informative links, phone numbers, and text numbers to connect families to resources that may be helpful during this stressful and challenging time.

109th District COVID-19 Resources:
>> Click here for The New York Times’ COVID-19 National and State Case Tracker <<
NYS Dept. of Labor Unemployment Insurance (UI) Updates
New York State Department of Labor UI FAQ
Tenants Guide to NY’s Residential Eviction Moratorium
Job + Employment Opportunities
109th Mental Health Resources
Domestic Violence Resources 1–800–942–6906
Nonprofit + COVID19 Capital Region Response Fund
New York State — How You Can Help
109th District | Capital Region Family Resource Guide, Now Available en Espanol
REMEMBER: Should you have any questions during this time please do not hesitate to utilize my office as a resource at (518) 455–4178 or fahyp@nyassembly.gov.