Weekly E-News: Sunday, August 8, 2021

Another whirlwind of a week in the Legislature has come to a close. I was on a previously scheduled conference call on gun violence prevention on Tuesday, so it was a surprise to learn New York State Attorney General Tish James’ press event presented her final report on the independent sexual harassment investigation into the Governor. As a result, the Assembly has ramped up its investigation to move toward an impeachment proceeding, in the event he does not step down sooner or voluntarily resign.
In other news, please find new information below regarding Mobile Office Hours my office is hosting this summer in addition to the launch of our 2021 Summer Reading Challenge, and as always, read on for more updates from around the 109th District!
- My Statement on the NYS AG’s Final Report:
“As one of the first legislators to call for an independent investigation into these serious allegations of sexual harassment against the Governor back in February, I commend New York State Attorney General Letitia James and her team for completing a thorough investigation — and I commend the women who came forward for their bravery and testimonies.
Given the extremely disturbing findings presented in the Attorney General’s final report, the Governor is no longer fit to serve and for the good of the State of New York, he should immediately step down, allowing Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul to assume the role of Acting Governor.
Beginning today, my colleagues and I in the State Assembly are convening to immediately begin addressing these findings, and I will support action based on the facts presented to us so that we may continue to effectively address the multiple crises facing the State at this time.”
You can also click here to read my full statement.
- MSNBC: Vanessa Vossoghian Interview. I spoke with MSNBC about the impeachment process as its laid out in the New York State Constitution and about why it’s key that we restore the public’s trust in government as we move through this process. Click on the link in this section or the photo below to watch the full interview and segment.

- Capital Tonight with Susan Arbetter: Explaining New York State’s Impeachment Process. I spoke with Susan Arbetter on Spectrum News’ Capital Tonight to talk about why the Attorney General’s report has prompted the Assembly to move forward with the impeachment process, and exactly how that process might play out. The last New York State Governor was impeached and convicted in 1913. Watch our interview at the link in this section.
- Highlights of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. 🏗 President Joe Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will create thousands of good-paying jobs for New Yorkers, help us meet the challenges of the climate crisis, and will be the largest American infrastructure investment in nearly a century. Click on the link in this section to view the highlights of this legislation.
- FTC and Biden Administration Formally Adopt Pro-Right to Repair Platform. 📲 NEW: President Joe Biden has announced his backing for the #RightToRepair movement in the U.S., while the Federal Trade Commission unanimously voted to begin ‘aggressively enforcing’ federal anti-monopoly and anti-repair laws already on the books. Moreover, the FTC announced it plans to work closely with states on navigating rules and regulations related to repair practices. Here in New York, Senator Neil D. Breslin and I were successful in moving the needle this year by passing Right to Repair legislation in the State Senate, and look forward to having it pass both houses in next year’s legislative session. Read why this legislation is so important to the average consumer at the link in this section.
- COVID-19: Get Vaccinated and Help Stop the Spread of the Delta Variant! 💉 The #COVID19 vaccine is free, safe, and the most effective tool we can leverage to protect the most vulnerable in our communities. To lead by example, 100% of my office staff is fully vaccinated. Talk to family, friends, and neighbors and encourage them to #VaxUp. Find a vaccine site by clicking on the link in this section or on the photo below.

- Excluded Worker Fund Applications Launch. 📣 NEW: Applications for the Excluded Workers Fund (EWF) are now being accepted! The EWF was created to support NYers who could not get unemployment, pandemic, or other federal relief benefits during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply by clicking on the photos below or at the link in this section.

- 2021 Summer Newsletter Published! 🗞 My summer newsletter recapping the 2021 Legislative Session is live on our Assembly website and have hit mailboxes in the district! Read by clicking on the link in this section!

- ICYMI: President Biden Includes PLCAA Repeal and Gun Industry Liability Laws in National Gun Violence Prevention Strategy. 📑 Thrilled to see President Joe Biden prioritize repealing #PLCAA and passing state-level #GunIndustryLiabilityLaws as we did in New York this year as part of his administration’s gun violence prevention strategy. What we do in New York has ripple effects and we will continue to lead the conversation on commonsense gun violence prevention in this country.
- “Convening state legislators and Attorneys General regarding policy strategies to hold gun dealers and manufacturers accountable for their contributions to the flow of crime guns. The President continues to call on Congress to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which gives gun dealers and manufacturers special immunity from certain liability for their products. In the meantime, the White House will convene state legislators and Attorneys General to discuss strategies for enacting and employing state liability laws that can be used to hold dealers and manufacturers accountable for improper conduct not covered by PLCAA.”
- ICYMI: New York Small Business Recovery Grant Program Launched. 📣 New York’s small business recovery grant program has opened for applications to help cover COVID-19 pandemic-related expenditures. For more information and to apply, visit: www.nysmallbusinessrecovery.com

- ICYMI: Mobile Office Hours with My Office Staff — August Dates! 🙋 NEW: This summer, join my office staff for our Mobile Office Hours at locations around the 109th District, for assistance related to:
- 🔹Rental Assistance
- 🔹Electronic Applications
- 🔹Unclaimed Funds
- 🔹Help Navigating State Agencies
- 🔹Unemployment Insurance
- 🔹Legislative Updates
- 🔹Funding for Small Businesses
- 🔹Learning More About What Resources Are Available to You

- Hours and locations for #September are forthcoming. E-mail or call our office with any questions!
- ICYMI: New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Now Accepting Applications. 🏡 Attention renters, tenants, and small landlords; the 2021 Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) will begin accepting applications for rent relief. Learn more about these funds and what resources are available to you by clicking here or on the photo below.

- CDTA Launches Free Albany Nature Bus. 🌱 Kudos to the Capital District Transportation Authority — CDTA and the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy for making the Nature Bus™️ happen! Be sure to make use of this free service this summer!
- Assemblymember Fahy’s 2021 Summer Reading Challenge Launch! Students in the 109th District are encouraged to take advantage of the numerous summer reading challenges available, including our own 2021 Assembly Summer Reading Challenge! The calendar and submission for the challenge can be found at this link. To complete the challenge, students must simply read for at least 15 minutes a day for 40 days in July and August, and receive your certificate from my office in the mail after submitting your completed form and calendar!
- Empire State Trail Challenge Begins! Click here to register for this year’s Empire State Trail Challenge, which runs until August and can be completed on your own time through logging and submitting mileage on the trail itself. For more information, click on the link in this section or image below!
PODCAST: The Fahy Files: What Makes the NY Capital Work (Or Not!) — Connecting in a Time of Chaos
- To highlight some of the individuals in the Capital Region who exemplify what it means to remain connected within our community and cope with the chaos of the past year, I’ve launched a new series of my podcast The Fahy Files, ‘Connecting in a Time of Chaos’.
Listen to our first 6 (3 of these are featured below) episodes from this year so far on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
For more on my work in the state legislature, please visit my official Assembly website, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or Medium to stay updated in 2021 and beyond! As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns during this time at fahyp@nyassembly.gov or (518) 455–4178.