Weekly E-News: Sunday, November 21, 2021

Last week, Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation I sponsor with Senator Robert Jackson to expand the definition of child safety zones, aimed at providing even more students, particularly in the City of Albany, with safe transportation to and from school.
Additionally, UAlbany officially cut the ribbon on its new Emerging Technology and Entrepreneurship Complex (ETEC) — check out what this means for the broader Capital Region’s future below.
As always, read on for community updates from around the 109th District, and stay safe!
- Governor Hochul Signs My Legislation Expanding ‘Child Safety Zones’. Governor Kathy Hochul has signed our legislation with Senator Robert Jackson to expand the definition of child safety zones. This will enable more students, especially in Albany, to receive safe bus transportation to and from school, even if they live within 1.5 miles of school! This is a game-changer for all students across New York State. Thank you to New York State School Boards Association, New York Association for Pupil Transportation (NYAPT), Albany City Schools, and so many more for making this happen!
- ABC WTEN: Child Safety Law Legislation Signed by Governor. 🚍 Great story and explainer from WTEN’s Jamie DeLine on what our recently signed legislation expanding the definition of a ‘child safety zone’ stands to accomplish for Albany City Schools’ students. Click on the link in this section to read/view.
- Apple Will Let Customers Repair iPhones Amidst ‘Right to Repair’ Pressure. 📲 This is HUGE news for the #RightToRepair movement here in New York and across the country. Apple will now voluntarily offer parts, tools, and manuals to DIY/independent repair shops. While this is a good first step, we need to pass my Right to Repair legislation here in New York to make this law of the land for all tech and other companies. Read more at the link in this section for what this means moving forward in New York and beyond.
- Expanding New York State’s Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Build-Out — New Legislation. 🚨 Earlier this month, State Senator Liz Krueger and I announced legislation that will dramatically accelerate New York State’s build-out of EV 🚗🔌 capable and ready infrastructure in new residential/commercial buildings, including those undergoing significant renovation. Click on the link in this section to learn more about our legislation.
- Push to Reimagine I-787 Picking Up Steam — Feasibility Study Still Needed. One thing is clear and it’s that 787 is not part of a long-term prosperous future for Albany or the broader Capital Region. With President Joe Biden and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg leading on urban highway removal — a 787-free future is finally within reach for our community. Click on the link in this section to read more on this effort, the Albany Riverfront Collaborative, and more. More than two years ago I introduced legislation to commission a feasibility study on reimagining 787, and it remains a top priority of mine as we head into 2022 and these conversations continue to develop.
- UAlbany Completes Emerging Technology & Entrepreneurship Complex (ETEC). UAlbany and the Capital Region are leading the way yet again with completion of the Emerging Technology and Entrpreneurship Complex (ETEC) building! This new facility will house everything from the New York State Mesonet to the National Weather Service regional station, Small Business Development Center, and seamlessly incorporate climate, weather, and emergency preparedness studies. With this investment in the Capital Region — we continue to cement our place as a leader in 21st-Century preparedness, technologies, economics, academia, and more. Not only that — but the building itself is completely carbon neutral and utilizes geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling!
- Urging A Moratorium on Proof-of-Work Blockchain Cryptocurrency Mining. ❌🪙🏭 Joined a powerful coalition with NYPIRG, Earthjustice, Environmental Advocates NY, Assemblyman Steve Otis, and more this past week to urge a statewide moratorium on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency mining that utilizes proof-of-work blockchain technology. Facilities like Greenidge are not only incongruent with New York State’s climate goals — they’re an impediment.
- Downtown Albany Welcomes Wizard Burger at 74 N. Pearl. 🍔 Make sure to stop by Downtown Albany’s newest eatery and establishment; Wizard Burger at 74 North Pearl St.! Great to stop by and see owners Alex and Chris, and thank them for investing in the core of the Capital Region!

- On Heels of Passing Infrastructure Bill, U.S. House Passes Build Back Better Act. ✅ The U.S. House of Representatives has passed the #BuildBackBetter bill, making historic investments in climate action, middle-class families, and more. I thank Congressman Paul D. Tonko for his commitment to delivering for the Capital Region and his support of the Build Back Better bill. Click here to read a good explainer on the Build Back Better Act and what it’s investments mean for middle-class America and building an economy of the 21st Century.
- All New Yorkers Now Able to Receive COVID-19 Booster Shot. 💉 All New Yorkers are now eligible to receive their #COVID19 booster shot. Capital Region — get yours today at Crossgates Mall in the old Lord & Taylor store or find a community clinic here:www.bit.ly/albanycountyclinics
- November 13–19 is Transgender Awareness Week — Saturday, November 20 is Trans Day of Remembrance. 🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️🏳️⚧️ From Nov. 13–19 we recognize #Transgender Awareness Week and honor our trans community by being visible allies and committing to intersectional equity for people of all genders/gender expressions. New York State has a proud, loud, and vibrant #trans community — and your fellow NYers stand with you today and every day. Saturday, November 20th, is #transdayofremembrance — the trans community faces higher rates of assault and hate-based crimes — and we will remember all those we’ve lost and honor their memory.
- Applying for Heating Assistance (HEAP) This Winter. 🏠 The winter months are approaching fast, so make sure you take advantage of New York’s Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) application window and see if you’re eligible for financial help with heating costs. Apply here now.

- ICYMI: The Black Suffragists of Albany, New York. 🟨🟪 Albany’s role in the women’s suffrage movement would not have been so prominent if not for black women like C. Mary Douge Williams, whose presence thrust black women’s suffrage into the limelight. Again we see our City at the forefront of historical progress — take a moment to read more about their legacy by clicking the link in this section.
- ICYMI: Empowering Youth in Our Communities to End Gun Violence. 🤝 Last week I joined the Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area, our local youth, and community partners for a ‘Stop The Violence — Save Our Youth’ rally to #EndGunViolence. Let’s empower youth to connect with their communities and then truly address the root causes of gun violence — together.
- ICYMI: Veteran’s Day Events Honoring Those Who’ve Served. I joined several events as we marked Veteran’s Day this month and to some still, Armistice Day. I want to thank all those who have served our nation humbly and selflessly, and especially to our military families who sacrifice so much so that they may do so. A grateful people thanks you and honors you.

- ICYMI: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Announces First-Ever National Recycling Strategy. ♻️ Good news from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as it finalizes our first-ever national recycling strategy in the US — badly needed and long overdue. Even more poignant is the attention paid to impacts on the fight against climate change and environmental justice communities.
- Humanities NY Launches SHARP Grant Applications. 🎨| Are you a nonprofit or tax-exempt organization that provides humanities programming in your community? Considering applying for a Humanities New York SHARP Action Grant to help with up to $10K in costs! Learn more about the grant and application process here.
- New York Small Business Recovery Grant Program Reminder. 📣 New York’s small business recovery grant program is open for applications to help cover COVID-19 pandemic-related expenditures. For more information and to apply, visit: www.nysmallbusinessrecovery.com

PODCAST: The Fahy Files: What Makes the NY Capital Work (Or Not!) — Connecting in a Time of Chaos
- To highlight some of the individuals in the Capital Region who exemplify what it means to remain connected within our community and cope with the chaos of the past year, I’ve launched a new series of my podcast The Fahy Files, ‘Connecting in a Time of Chaos’.
Listen to our first 6 (3 of these are featured below) episodes from this year so far on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, SoundCloud, or wherever you listen to your podcasts!
For more on my work in the state legislature, please visit my official Assembly website, Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or Medium to stay updated in 2021 and beyond! As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns during this time at fahyp@nyassembly.gov or (518) 455–4178.