(Weekly Update 4/19/20) Small Biz Survival Forum Re-Cap, Public Mask Executive Order, PAUSE-NY Updates and More COVID-19 Resources

I hope you and your family are continuing to stay healthy and safe during this time.
Last week, I hosted a virtual Small Business Survival Forum alongside my colleague Assemblymember John McDonald in partnership with the Center for Economic Growth and the UAlbany Small Business Development Center to help small business owners and others access the federal and state resources available during the COVID-19 pandemic. New York State also announced updates to the stay-at-home order known as PAUSE-NY and a public mask order. The Capital Region continues to mobilize our communities and resources to help those in need, so please read on for volunteer opportunities and community updates from around our area.
Additionally, please find condensed COVID-19 Capital Region resources below as well as some personal tips to staying physical active, healthy, and sharp!

Most Recent NY-ON-PAUSE/COVID-19 Updates:
- New York State’s stay-at-home order known as PAUSE-NY has been extended until Friday, May 15th. For more information on the PAUSE-NY order, please follow this link.
- Masks Matter: All New Yorkers, in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained, must now wear a mask or face-covering in public.
- An executive order requiring all essential employees who interact with the public to wear and be provided masks or face-coverings took effect last week. Here’s a helpful guide to facemasks and other protective measures you can take.
- New York will allow anyone who is infected or afraid of being potentially exposed to COVID-19 to vote via absentee ballot for the June 23 primary elections. Section 8–400 of the Election Law is temporarily suspended and hereby modified to provide that due to the prevalence and community spread of COVID-19, an absentee ballot can be granted based on temporary illness and shall include the potential for contraction of the COVID-19 virus for any election held on or before June 23, 2020. Section 8–400 of the Election Law is hereby modified to allow for electronic application, with no requirement for in-person signature or appearance to be able to access an absentee ballot.
- Public schools will remain closed until May 15th in line with PAUSE-NY. Meals, services, and other ongoing programs will continue until throughout that time.
- All June NYS Regents Exams are canceled.
Legislative News and Events:
• Re-Cap: Our Small Business Survival Forum. Last week was our virtual Small Business Survival Forum held in partnership with Assemblymember John McDonald, Andrew Kennedy, President & CEO of the Center for Economic Growth, and Kate Baker, Interim Director at the UAlbany Small Business Development Center. Small businesses, microenterprises, and start-ups are part of the lifeblood of the Capital Region economy — yet navigating the resources available during this crisis can be difficult. If you missed the town hall, you can view the full livestream by following this link!
Stay tuned this week for details on another Virtual Town Hall from me and Assemblymember John McDonald; this time on job searches and assistance with unemployment insurance!
• Legislators from 40 States Denounce EPA Suspension of Regulatory Compliance. I joined legislators from across the country to denounce the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to suspend most regulatory compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic — this will only serve to embolden already-existing bad actors that threaten our nation’s environment and natural resources.
• Housing and Rental Assistance Letter to NY Congressional Delegation. Last week, I joined over 100 of my Assembly colleagues in the NYS Legislature in signing a letter to the NYS Congressional delegation, pleading for an additional $10 billion to assist the hundreds of thousands tenants and working families across NY who may be at risk of losing their apartments or homes does to job losses as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic. We need real #COVIDRentRelief now. Read the full letter here.
• Student Attendance Drops with Online Courses. This New York times article about Los Angeles City schools raises very serious concern regarding the fact that in some areas of the country — less than half of students are logging in for online classes. Understanding there may be similar problems across the state — We need better data on student participation as well as funding for optional summer school and enrichment (assuming the economy starts to re-open by July or later in the summer).
• Boatyards, Marinas, Considered Essential. Governors Cuomo, Murphy, and Lamont have agreed to declare private boatyards, marinas, and other water based-facilities as essential businesses and released regulations that apply to these specific facilities, which can be found here for guidance.
• Science Daily: Why Wearing Masks Matters. More reasons to encourage public wearing of masks in terms of the potentially wide-reaching protective benefits when it comes to slowing the spread of #COVID19 — while keeping the N95 and surgical masks for our healthcare workers.
• Report: Federal Funding Going to Hospitals Based on Medicaid $ Rather than COVID-19 Cases. This is blatantly unfair and a real slap at New York State. It’s bad enough the so-called federal tax “reform” of 2017 has cost the state billions in the loss of SALT deductions and we pay the most in taxes to federal government compared to our return; and now as the epicenter of the coronavirus, NYS is shortchanged by billions yet again by Congress!
• Regional Northeastern States to Asses Simultaneous Reopening Strategy. I commend Gov. Cuomo and the Governors of Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware for coming together to develop a sensible and safe strategy to determine when and how best to reopen our regional economies as we continue to #FlattenTheCurve. Testing and universal mask-wearing is essential to reopening the state.
• Pat’s Pointers for Staying Physically Active and Mentally Sharp. Let’s face it, even in the best of circumstances, it’s hard to remember to keep ourselves moving — yet even a few minutes a day makes a difference in our overall well-being! Check out some of my pointers for staying active + healthy.
• COVID-19 Pet Resources Available. If your pets are out of food due to your job loss as a result of COVID-19, the Pet Food Pantry at the Hudson Mohawk Humane Menands Animal Care Center is available to help. Please contact customercare@mohawkhumane.org via e-mail. A team member will meet you at the door.
• Golf Courses Essential Business Designation Update. Empire State Development (ESD) has clarified the essential business regulations that apply to golf courses: “However, golf courses are not essential and cannot have employees working on-premise; notwithstanding this restriction, essential services, such as groundskeeping to avoid hazardous conditions and security, provided by employees, contractors, or vendors are permitted and private operators may permit individuals access to the property so long as there are no gatherings of any kind and appropriate social distancing of six feet between individuals is strictly abided.”
• U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Launches Fund with Vistaprint to Support Small Business Recovery in Economically Vulnerable Communities. For more information on how to apply for a grant, follow this link.
• Volunteer Opportunity: LifePath Services of Albany + MealsOnWheels. Can you spare some time to help LifePath Services of Albany delivery meals to our older and senior neighbors? They need your help now — those ages of 18 and 69, have own vehicle, proof of insurance and be able to deliver Tuesday — Friday — they would prefer a commitment of 2 days with staggered hours between 10 am — 1 pm. Please help if you can! Download the application here, https://bit.ly/MealsonWheelsVolunteerApp and return the completed application, copy of your license, and insurance card to gmoore@seniorservicesofalbany.com. The United Way of the Capital Region is seeking community and virtual volunteers for the following organizations and United Way itself:
- The Food Pantries for the Capital District
- Albany Damien Center
- United Way of the Greater Capital Region
- Unity House of Troy
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany
- Senior Services of Albany
Community Updates:
• Guilderland and Washington Park Farmer’s Markets Go Virtual. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects here in the Capital Region, the Guilderland and Washington Park Farmer’s Markets have decided to go virtual for their seasonal openings. Click on the link in the beginning for more information!
• 40th Old Songs Festival in Altamont and Voorheesville Suspended. In light of the serious and deadly public health concerns surrounding the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic sweeping the nation and globe, the Board of Directors of Old Songs, Inc. decided this week to postpone the 40th Old Songs Festival to June 25–27, 2021.
• Together, We Are One Bethlehem. Saturday, 4/18, from 9 AM to Noon, rain or shine, at Main Square, 318 Delaware Ave., Delmar, (enter by Gregory’s Barber shop) — get a free Together We Are One Bethlehem bumper sticker and purchase tees, mugs, hats, buttons and lawn signs with the above saying. All proceeds go to continuing this effort. To keep you safe, this will be a drive-thru program and cash or checks only. More information available at this link.
• Schuyler Center COVID-19 Resource Guide. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and concerns about families’ health and mental health, social isolation, economic insecurity, child welfare, child development, and parenting needs, the Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy has compiled a body of informative links, phone numbers, and text numbers to connect families to resources that may be helpful during this stressful and challenging time.

109th District COVID-19 Resources:
>> Click here for The New York Times’ COVID-19 National and State Case Tracker <<
Federal COVID-19 Stimulus Check Information
New Federal Resources Available for Small Businesses
New York State’s Empire State Development (ESD) Updated List of Essential Businesses
NYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles + Registration/Inspection Updates
NYS Dept. of Labor Unemployment Insurance (UI) Updates
New York State Department of Labor UI FAQ
Tenants Guide to NY’s Residential Eviction Moratorium
Health Insurance Enrollment Period Extended Until May 15th for Displaced Workers
Job + Employment Opportunities
109th Mental Health Resources
Headspace Partners with NYS to Provide Free Mental Health Resources
Domestic Violence Resources 1–800–942–6906
Hate + Biased-Related Crime due to COVID-19
Non-Essential Construction Ceasing — Executive Order
Healthcare Providers Who Need Equipment
Nonprofit + COVID19 Capital Region Response Fund
New York State — How You Can Help
Albany County Medical Reserve Corps
109th District | Capital Region Family Resource Guide, Now Available en Espanol
REMEMBER: Should you have any questions during this time please do not hesitate to utilize my office as a resource at (518) 455–4178 or fahyp@nyassembly.gov.